Terms and Conditions

Access to publicview.health is provided by Public View Ltd. The user is bound by and must comply with these terms and conditions. We may amend these terms and conditions for use from time to time, so please check to ensure you understand the terms that apply when you're using the site.

Users Must

  • Keep account details safe Users must keep their access username and password confidential, and must not permit or allow any other individual to access the data using their access credentials.
  • Not disclose the outputs to any third parties Users must treat all information contained within the website as confidential and not share it with any third parties who are not entitled to access the information, without prior written approval of Public View Ltd.
  • Use the information on Public View for operational and management information purposes only Users should seek prior written approval for use of the information for any other purposes.
  • Notify Public View Ltd of any breaches Users must promptly, and in any event within 48 hours, inform Public View Ltd if they become aware of a breach of these terms and conditions; and / or any unauthorised users accessing the website.
  • Not Reverse Engineer Users must not disassemble, reverse engineer, de-compile, copy, adapt, edit or create any derivative works from the, nor attempt to do such things.

Warranties and Liability

  • Public View Ltd does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the data on the website. Should users identify any inaccuracies please report them and we will investigate.
  • Public View Ltd excludes all liability arising from use of our service.
  • The user shall indemnify and hold harmless Public View Ltd, its employees and agents, against all claims, liability, losses, damages and expenses including, without limitation, legal fees and costs arising out of or incurred as a result of any claims made, or limitation brought, against Public View Ltd, its employees or agents, as a result of the user's use of the website or any information contained in it, for any purpose whatsoever.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Except where specified otherwise on the website or agreed in writing with Public View Ltd, users acknowledge that all IPR in the website and its contents belongs to Public View Ltd.


Every attempt has been made to ensure the website is of high quality and free from malicious code, but Public View Ltd does not guarantee that the website will be free from viruses. You should use your own virus protection software and take appropriate safeguards before downloading information from the website.

Governing law and jurisdictions

The terms and conditions of use of the website shall be governed by the law of England and Wales and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Access to the Website

Public View Ltd does not guarantee that the website, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. Public View Ltd may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of the website without notice for any reason at any time.

Privacy Policy

What information do we collect about you?

We collect information about you when you register with us. Our servers also automatically collect site usage information, which is stored in server logs, our database, router and firewall logs. We store some anonymous usage and feedback data in our content distribution network CloudFlare and product analytics platform Pendo.

How Public View Ltd uses your information

  • to identify your account and provide you with our service
  • to personalise the user interface for your repeat visits to the site
  • we do not share your personal information with other companies or do anything else bad with it

Cookies, Session Storage and IndexedDB

Cookies are files placed on your computer to identify your session. For further information the ICO reccomends about cookies and all about cookies. You can set your browser to refuse cookies, and the above websites tell you how to remove existing cookies from your browser. Some of our website features may not work very well if you do this.

Our systems also use more modern browser features including session storage and IndexedDB. No personal or non-public data is stored in these and we don't use any of them to track or profile anyone.

We never place anything on your machine which represents a privacy or security risk to you or us. You don't ever need to clear any data we cached in your browser for these reasons.

Other websites

This privacy policy only applies to this website.

The ICO suggests that we make that clear. They also recommend we tell you that you ought to read the privacy policies of other websites should you get to them from here. Twitter's is especially worth a look, as it takes huge swathes of legalese to make the unlikely claim that "You’re in control". We think we could prove that black is white with fewer words.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep this privacy policy under regular review and any updates will appear here.

How to contact us

Email us with any questions about our privacy policy or any information we hold about you or your organisation.